Vuxxx, Pillenspezialist, Gesundheit für Kälber und Kühe

Milk fever in the cow in diary farming.

Milk fever in the cow, also called parturient paresis or hypocalcemia.
This is a metabolic derailment of the dairy cow close to the time of birth caused by a relative deficiency of calcium and phosphorus.
When cows are stuck, it is called clinical milk fever. Fixed cows are discovered. Up to 10% of cows in calving get stuck. Subclinical milk fever is not immediately recognizable, because the cows do not get stuck. It is estimated that up to 50% of a herd suffers from subclinical milk fever. If it remains undetected, it can lead to severe performance losses.

The Ca-PILL is for calcium supply right after calving. More calcium - less milk fever. It is recommended for all cows from the second calving. A cow that already got stuck at the first calving should be supplied with calcium at the second calving. The risk of uterine paralysis increases with age. In case of uterine paralysis, there is a risk of muscle damage due to prolonged lying down, injuries when trying to stand up and premature departure from the herd.
Milk fever or uterine paralysis costs about €350 per case. The costs are due to treatment, more labour, less milk production, impaired fertility, increased risk of labor weakness, postpartum behavior, teat injuries, udder inflammation, ketosis and abomasal displacement.
Prophylaxis, e.g. timely administration of Ca-PILL, can significantly limit the high health and financial damage in animals at risk.

Ca-PILL. The first calcium pill.
For milk fever in dairy cows.

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