since 2003.
Our managing directors Bernd Cordes and Michael Behnke have worked in the human and veterinary medicine industry for many years.
In 2003 we met Professor Dr. med. vet. Geishauser, the pill inventor, and his products to improve the health and performance of cows and calves. This meeting resulted in a successful partnership in a brand-new sector of industry. In 2003 we got to know the inventor of the pill, Prof. Dr. med. vet. Geishauser his products developed for the health and performance of cows and calves. A successful partnership with a whole new industry was born.
The scientifically-proven pills in our product portfolio are today used by millions of veterinary surgeons and dairy cattle farmers throughout Europe.
Our headquarters is in Papenburg, a town in the north-west of Germany, right on the Dutch border.
We ship our products from our warehouse here to customers and retailers in our sales territory.
Give us a call. We’ll be happy to advise you!
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