Commercial form: 4 pills
Do not use sharp-edged, straight or too short applicator.
The applicator must be perfect!
Use our handy and gentle applicator SENIOR.
SENIOR. The first ergonomic pill applicator.
E-PILL. The number 1.
Proven millions of times. Made in Germany.
What is the E-PILL for?
Energy supply. More energy – better health – more performance.
How to detect negative energy balance?
Test urine or milk for ketone bodies.
How effective is the E-PILL?
Scientific tests showed that the E-PILL lowers blood ketone bodies from 1 to 24 hours after administration.
What is the E-PILL made of?
Sodium propionate. Propionic acid is a natural rumen acid.
Summary of Content:
Mineral supplement feed for dairy cows: magnesium propionate, sodium chloride.
Technological additives (g/kg): Sodium propionate (1k281) 873 g/kg.
Analytical ingredients (%): Calcium 0,15 %, Sodium 19,4 %, Phosphorus 0,01 %, Magnesium 0,06 %.
What is the E-PILL legally?
Mineral complementary feed. GMP+ FSA assured.
Which cows is it for?
For all cows with negative energy balance. The risk of negative energy balance is highest in the first month after calving.
When should the E-PILL be given?
2 pills when needed. 2 pills the day after.
How much does negative energy balance cost?
On average € 300 per case due to more labour, treatment, less milk production (200–600 kg per lactation), higher risks of retained placenta, metritis, mastitis, ketosis, displaced abomasum, fertility disorders and culling.
Commercial form: 1 applicator
Do not use sharp-edged, straight or too short applicator.
The applicator must be perfect!
Use our handy and gentle applicator SENIOR.
SENIOR. The first ergonomic pill applicator.
Scientifically tested. Proven a million times! Made in Germany.
What is the SENIOR for?
Dairy cows.
Why is it ergonomic?
The SENIOR is curved like the route through the oral cavity to the esophagus. Its end is rounded.
Handy and gentle pill input.
What is the SENIOR made of?
Tube of stainless steel, plunger of plastic.
How to use SENIOR?
Insert a pill.
Grab the tooth-free rim of the palate.
Tickle the palate until the cow opens the mouth herself.
Carefully insert the SENIOR into the oral cavity.
Slide it carefully across the base of the tongue until the red mark meets the muzzle.
Release the pill.
How to clean?
Rinse with running hot water.
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