Vuxxx, Pillenspezialist, Gesundheit für Kälber und Kühe


Diarrhoeic calves

Because they suffer from acidosis.

In diarrhoea calves lose not only fluids but also buffers. They dehydrate and overacidify.

Acidosis rapidly increases within a few hours. The calves drink less and less. They keep losing fluids and buffers, become weaker and weaker and finally die.

Give a Bi-PILL immediately when diarrhoea is diagnosed. 1 pill immediately and 1 pill each after the next 3 meals. Have Bi-PILL available.

Give 4 pills at a time. 

It buffers acidosis in blood and rumen. The calves start drinking again. 

Sodium bicarbonate – a very effective buffer.

Mineral complementary feed. GMP+ FSA assured. Suitable for organic farms. 

€ 108 per case in light diarrhoea, € 268 per case in severe diarrhoea, because of treatment costs, more labour, more rearing days and higher risk of death.

Pill application in calves

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You have 45 days to return items for a full refund, with or without a receipt. Items must still have their original tags.

You have 45 days to return items for a full refund, with or without a receipt. Items must still have their original tags.

Mit dem JUNIOR. Der erste ergonomische Pilleneingeber für Kälber. Wissenschaftlich geprüft.

Der erste ergonomische Pilleneingeber für Kälber. Handlicher und sanfter. 


Der JUNIOR ist gebogen, wie der Weg durch die Maulhöhle zum Schlund. Der Kelch des JUNIOR ist rund.

Der JUNIOR liegt besser in der Hand. Kein Umgreifen erforderlich. 

Pille in den Kelch einsetzen. Mit einer Hand über den Nasenrücken in den zahnfreien Kieferrand fassen. Gaumen kitzeln, bis das Kalb das Maul von selber öffnet. Mit der andern Hand JUNIOR vorsichtig in die Maulhöhle schieben. Vorsichtig über den Zungengrund hinweg schieben. Pille freigeben. 

Mit fließendem heißen Wasser abspülen.

With the JUNIOR. The first ergonomic pill applicator for calves. Scientifically tested.

The first ergonomic Pill applicator for calves. Handier and gentler. 

Suckling calves.

The JUNIOR is curved like the route trough the oral cavity to the esophagus. The cup of the JUNIOR is rounded. 

The JUNIOR lies comfortably in the hand. No grip change. 

Insert a pill into the cup. Grab the tooth-free rim of the palate. Tickle the palate until the calf opens the mouth itself. Carefully insert the JUNIOR into the oral cavity. Slide it carefully across the base of the tongue. Release the pill.

Rinse with hot water. 

Pill application in cows

The SENIOR. The first ergonomic pill applicator for cows. Scientifically tested. 

The first ergonomic pill applicator for cows. Handier and gentler. 

Dairy cows.

The SENIOR is curved like the route through the oral cavity to the esophagus. Its end is rounded. 

The SENIOR lies comfortably in the hand.

Tube if stainless steel, plunger of plastic. 

Insert a pill. Grab the tooth-free rim of the palate. Tickle the palate until the cow opens the mouth herself. Carefully insert the SENIOR into the oral cavity. Slide it carefully across the base of the tongue until the red mark meets the muzzle. Release the pill. 

Rinse with running hot water. 

Energy deficiency in dairy cows

E-PILL – The first energy pill. Scientifically tested.

The first energy pill. The number 1.

Energy supply. More energy – better health – more yield. 

For all cows with negative energy balance. The risk of negative energy balance is highest in the first month after calving. 

Test urine or milk for ketone bodies. 

2 pills when needed. 2 pills the day after. 

Scientific tests showed that the E-PILL lowers blood ketone bodies from 1 to 24 hours after administration. 

Sodium propionate. Propionic acid is a natural rumen acid.

Mineral complementary feed. GMP + FSA assured. 

On average € 300 per case due to more labour, treatment, less milk production (200 – 600 kg per lactation), higher risks of retained placenta, metritis, mastitis, ketosis, displaced abomasum, fertility disorders and culling.  

Scientific studies indicate that administration of energy on insemination day may increase pregnancy rate. 

Right after insemination.

2 E-PILLs.

Calcium deficiency in dairy cows

Ca-PILL. Administer the first calcium pill. Scientifically tested.

For better calcium supply right after calving. More calcium – less milk fever.

The Ca-PILL is the first calcium pill. No calcium chloride – no ulcer.

The Ca-PILL is made of calcium acetate. Acetic acid is a natural rumen acid.

Scientific tests showed that the Ca-PILL increases blood calcium from 1 to 24 hours after administration.

For all cows at second calving or older. The risk of low calcium increases with age.

2 pills on calving day. And 2 pills the day after.

Down cows are at increased risks of muscle damage due to recumbency, injuries when attempting to rise and premature culling.

€ 350 per case on average. Due to treatment costs, more labour, less milk produced, impaired fertility, and higher risks of weak uterine contractions during calving, retained placenta, teat injury, mastitis, ketosis and displaced abomasum.

Mineral complementary feed. GMP+ FSA assured.

Phosphorus deficiency in dairy cows

P-PILL – Give the first phosphorus pill. Scientifically tested.

The first phosphorus pill.

Phosphorus supply.

Lasts longer.

Scientific tests showed that the P-PILL® increases blood phosphorus from 3 to 24 hours after administration.

Cows low in phosphorus.

Examine blood for anorganic phosphorus. Urinating blood after calving may be associated with low phosphorus.

2 pills when needed.

Monosodium phosphate.

Mineral complementary feed. GMP+ FSA assured.

Ruminal acidosis in dairy cows

Administer the pH-PILL – the first bicarbonate pill. Scientifically tested.

The first bicarbonate pill for dairy cows.

Higher rumen pH.

Scientific tests showed that the pH-PILL® increases rumen pH.

For all cows with rumen acidosis.

Low milk fat (< 3%) in more than 5% of the cows at monthly milk test points toward rumen acidosis. Low pH (< 5,5) in rumen fluid indicates rumen acidosis. Rumen fluid may be sampled using the FLORA rumen scoop.

Laminitis, lameness.

2 pills when needed, 2 pills the day after.

Sodium bicarbonate.

Mineral complementary feed. GMP+ FSA assured.

Rumen stimulant. More life in the rumen

S-PILL – administer the first rumen stimulant pill! Scientifically tested. 

The first rumen stimulant pill.

Stimulates rumen flora and fauna. Supplies energy.

More activity in the rumen – more activity in the cow.

Scientific studies showed that the S-PILL stimulates rumen flora and fauna up to 24 hours after administration and supplies energy.

Feed changes, inappetence.

2 pills when needed. 2 pills the day after.

Sodium propionate, starch.

Mineral complementary feed. GMP+ FSA assured.

Selenium deficiency at birth (cow and calf)

Give Se-PILL – the first selenium + vitamin E pill. Scientifically tested.

The first selenium + vitamin E - pill.

Better selenium supply for cow and calf. Less muscle weakness.

Vitamin E boosts selenium effect.

Scientific tests showed that the Se-PILL lasts for 3 weeks.

Cows low in selenium.

Examine blood for selenium.

Weak muscles. Decubitus. Retained placenta. Fertility disorders.

Weak muscles. Reduced ability to suck. Reduced ability to stand. Weakness.

1 pill 3 weeks prior to expected calving day.

Sodium selenite and vitamin E.

Mineral complementary feed. GMP+ FSA assured.

Drenching cows

The long rumen line.

Safe administration of liquids into the rumen.

If the mark on the line meets the incisors then the line’s head is located the rumen. No regurgitation. 

Pull the cow’s head forward. Head, neck and spinal column shall form a straight line. Insert the line’s head into the oral cavity at the tooth free rim of the jaw. Cautiously shove the line down the esophagus into the rumen until the mark on the line meets the incisors. Connect funnel. Administer fluids. Remove FLUX cautiously.

Connect FLUX to a water tap and rinse it. Lift the line’s head up such that the water runs down along the outer probe. 

Stainless steel. With mark. With funnel and Gardena®-quick coupling connection. 

Rumen fluid samples for everyone

To sample rumen fluid from dairy cows.

To determine rumen fluid pH, e.g. for subclinical rumen acidosis diagnosis.

Cautiously insert the FAUNUS into the rumen. Let rumen fluid enter for 10-20 sec. Cautiously remove the FAUNUS. Unscrew cup. Empty rumen fluid.

Rinse using hot water. 

Teats, milking, and administering medication

The first sterile milking tube.

To drain milk and to administer medicaments. 

Less infection, less mastitis. 

Clean and disinfect the teat. Cautiously insert the milking tube into the teat canal. Do not reuse. Keep STERIL on stock. 

Prevention of teat canal constriction

The first silicone implant for teats.

For prevention of teat canal stenosis after teat injury.

Rest the injured teat for 3 x 3 days, and do not milk it. Resting speeds healing, and lowers mastitis risk. Rest only teats giving flake-free milk.  Rest the injured teat as soon as possible. Milk of the teat rested may become watery, milk yield may decrease, and somatic cell count often return to normal after milking is resumed. 

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