Unser Angebot richtet sich ausschließlich an Geschäftskunden/Landwirte/Freiberufler.
Alle Preise in Euro zuzüglich der MwSt.
Versandkosten: 0 - 99,99 € = 8,- € inkl. MwSt., ab 100,- € kostenfreie Lieferung.
Commercial form: 20 pieces
Scientifically tested. Proven a million times! Made in Germany.
What is the STERIL milking tube for?
To drain milk and to administer medicaments.
Less infection, less mastitis.
How to use?
Clean and disinfect the teat. Cautiously insert
the milking tube into the teat canal. Do not reuse.
Keep STERIL on stock.
Producer :
Tel.: +49 4961 982 88 0
Fax: +49 4961 982 88 24
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