Unser Angebot richtet sich ausschließlich an Geschäftskunden/Landwirte/Freiberufler.
Alle Preise in Euro zuzüglich der MwSt.
Versandkosten: 0 - 99,99 € = 8,- € inkl. MwSt., ab 100,- € kostenfreie Lieferung.
Commercial form: 20 pieces
Scientifically tested. Proven a million times! Made in Germany.
What is the SIMPL silicone implant for?
For prevention of teat canal stenosis after teat injury.
How is SIMPL applied?
Immobilize the injured teat for 3 x 3 days and do not milk. Immobilization accelerates healing and reduces the risk of udder inflammation.
Only immobilize when milk is free of flakes. The sooner the better.
What happens to the milk?
Immobilization for several days can cause the milk to become watery, the milk yield to decrease and the cell count to increase.
Milk consistency, milk yield and cell count of the immobilized quarter usually normalize after milking again.
Producer :
Tel.: +49 4961 982 88 0
Fax: +49 4961 982 88 24
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